Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Forgiving Solomon Long

Hey, here's a Christian fiction book that looks really interesting. I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but it is on my list of books I'd like to check out. You can find out more here:

or you can find out more about the author, etc. here:

I hope you find it interesting and give it a try. Let me know what you think in the comments section of this post. I'd like to hear opinions.

I realize I haven't posted much in a long time. Life just gets pretty full! I am happy to report, however, that part of the busyness has been time well spent with my kids and trips to the beach. The rewards are beyond words!

Blessings to you!

Thursday, July 07, 2005

How's Your Soul?

I have come to the computer several times today. Each time I ask myself, "Why am I here?" Each time I have had a different answer: To check emails, to rewrite one of my stories so I can find a home for it, to work on my story for this week's challenge, to find meaning and purpose?

I finally discovered what is the problem. My soul is out of peace. I tried to do my devotions at the beach today while my children played. The problem was, this is the third trip to the beach this week and my daughter is done with the beach thing. So I didn't get my devotions or Bible study done today. Bingo! I am missing whatever it is my Jesus has to say to me today.

If anyone happens on this blog and doesn't take time out to read God's word or go through it with a study book, I so strongly encourage you to do so. Even if you don't understand a word you read, God will honor your devotion and desire and just fill you with his presence.

I went through a time when I was reading the Old Testament and it was DRY. I really didn't care who begat who at that point and just wanted to be done! But as I hung in there, I began to see the character of God in the stories, dealings, and even the geneologies. Did you know that Jesus Christ had incest and prostitution in his family line? I no longer lament my screwed up family background. If the one who defeated DEATH came from a mess, than there is no limit to what that same one can do through me.

I challenge you to read just 2 pages of the Bible a day - no more, no less. See what happens. God will reward your faithfulness, just keep yourself open to him.

Happy reading!

Monday, July 04, 2005

The Foundation of Our Greatness

America is great. It is a nation sought after by others. Other nations do have financial prosperity, freedom, and provide a decent way of life, but dare I say not to the extent of our nation? I may be playing into the arrogance of our nation by that comment, but I do believe America is different and blessed - so far. Why?

Alexis de Tocqueville visited America at the height of the Second Great Awakening as revivals were sweeping across the country. Tocqueville repeatedly marveled at the number of different American churches, at their mutual toleration, and at the focus on morality in this country. A famous quote has been attributed to him, though not verified, but it squares with his overall view of religious life in America in 1831.

"Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great."

I think our nation owes its prosperity and blessing to God and God alone. Our founding father's were far from perfect. Sins abounded and personal lives were a mess, but all had a respect for God.

King David of the Bible has been nicknamed, "A man after God's own heart".

"After removing Saul, he made David their king. He testified concerning him: 'I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.'"
Acts 13:22 New International Version

King David was far from perfect. His life included many of the sins found in some of our founding fathers' lives. Why then is he called a man after God's own heart? Because when all was said and done, he always turned back to the God who made him and anointed him king. David knew that all his wealth, talent, and tremendous abilities did not come from inside himself, but it was all placed there by God.

I see a picture of our nation in the kingdom of David. Our founding fathers knew that our nations wealth, talent, and tremendous abilities would not come from inside itself, but because it would be placed there by God.

I heard a speaker once and cannot for the life of me remember his name or book. What I do remember is his statement that the separation of church and state was instituted NOT to keep the church out of the state, but to keep the state out of the church. They knew that if we lost our foundation of God, we would lose our strength.

I fear for the future of our nation if we continue in our arrogance and dependence on ourselves to keep our nation great. What happened to David's great kingdom? It was destroyed and taken over because its people turned their backs on the one who made them great.

"In God We Trust" is foundational to our success as a nation. I believe our nation is testing this statement and it is in crisis. I hope that many discover before it is too late that YES, the mighty can fall.