Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Bible Study Sample

First off I have to say a big, "Thanks" to you gals that sent some great suggestions my way concerning a clean home. The "chore charts" are going into effect this week! The kids already did some of the things on the charts, so there shouldn't be too big of change for them.

Okay, back to the topic of today. I think I am going to make my Proverbs 31 book into a Bible study. I know there are a thousand out there so this may not be wise. It just seems to be the right way to go. To help me gauge good-idea vs. bad-idea, I am posting a part of one of the days of study. I can't post it all because that constitutes "publishing" and I may not be able to use it in the final study book. If you want more (I am still in process of writing it, hoping to finish it today) email me and I will send you the rest of this one study. If you like it, you'll just have to buy the book when it comes out - if it ever does! So, here goes!

Proverbs 31:12 “She does him good and not evil All the days of her life.”

In Proverbs 31:10 we learned that as women, we have an incredible amount of influence over men. This influence can be used to honor and bless our men and God, or it can be used for selfish gain. How tempting it can be on a weak day to use it for selfishness! It’s not just a stereotype that a woman’s tears melt a man! Men are wired to save us from our distress! Tears awake his knightly heart. What about withholding our words? I am ashamed to admit the many times I have used the “silent treatment” to manipulate my husband. These are but only two ways a woman can use her influence in an ungodly way. I’m sure you can think of many more!

Read I Corinthians 7:4-5 and describe another way a married woman could use her influence for harm?

Have you ever been tempted to use your influence to get what you want?
Describe what you wanted and what you did to get it.

In our verse for today, there are two key words I looked up. The first one is “good”. The word here is used as a noun and according to the North American Encarta Dictionary it means, “something resulting in a beneficial effect or state, something worth having or achieving”. Comparative words for good are “high-quality”, “decent”, “enjoyable”, “skillful”, “helpful”, “nice”, “well-behaved”, and the noun form of “benefit”. So in other words, a virtuous woman is a benefit and contributes something worth having into the lives of her men. Strong’s Greek/Hebrew dictionary uses these words to give us a picture of what the author meant by “good”: joyful, kindly, pleasant, prosperity, and sweet.

The other word, of course, is “evil”. Again the North American Encarta Dictionary defines evil as, “wickedness, a force causing harmful effects, something evil as in a situation or thing that is very unpleasant, harmful, or morally wrong”. Strong’s uses these words to help give us a picture of “evil”: adversity, calamity, displease, distress, noisome, sore, trouble, and vex.

Read Proverbs 21:19 and Proverbs 25:24. What kind of wife is described here and where does it recommend a husband of this wife live?

Want more? Email me: just_pearls_2@yahoo.com


At 12:31 AM, Blogger Kelli said...

Hi Ruby,

'A Virtuous Woman' website is looking for women who would like to submit Bible studies on Proverbs 31 for discussion at their new "Proverbs 31 Sisters" support groups.

Thought you might be interested?
www.avirtuouswoman.org -go to the main page, scroll down for details



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